Thursday, October 8, 2015

Interesting Facts about Mosaic Art that You would Like to Know

Mosaic is the art of assembling a variety of materials together to create a wonderful pattern or image. You might be interested in digging into the history of Mosaic art and want to get acquainted with some interesting facts related with Mosaic. The story of mosaic takes you back to the lifestyle and culture of antiquated Mesopotamia. Individuals of Mesopotamia civilization used to improve beauty of homes by adding mosaic designs. In that period people used stones, glasses, pebbles, marbles, and other naturally occurring materials to create mosaic designs. 

The most ancient examples of mosaic art are present in ancient temples of Arab and Mesopotamin dating back to second half of 3rd millennium BC. The ancient temples have pieces of colored stones, shells and ivory, which clarify that people were aware of Mosaic art. Excavations done at Susa and Chogha Zanbil revealed some glazed tiles, which dates back to around 1500 BC. However, it is believed that mosaic designs were not in use until the periods of Roman and Sassanid rulings.  At Tiryns, a part of ancient Greek, you can discover mosaics made up of pebbles believed to be created in Bronze Age. At the Macedonian palace-city of Aegae, you can see mosaics created in the 4th century BC. The Beauty of Durrës discovered in Albania consists of some significant mosaic designs created in 4th century BC. 

Around the world, you can visit numerous spots where you can see mosaic workmanship in its complete eminence. You can visit three churches located in Ravenna in Italy - Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Sant'Apollinare in Classe, and Basilica of San Vitale and see the glory of mosaic craftsmanship. Glass mosaic wall arts at Harvey Mandel building in San Diego, California shows brilliance of mosaic workmanship at its best. The mosaics at Romana del Casale villa near Piazza Armerina in Sicily are the largest collection of late Roman mosaics available to the world. You can visit churches in Madaba, Jordan; the Jāmeh Mosque of Yazd in Iran; subways in New York city to see some splendid mosaic designing work. 

Today advanced equipment has made mosaic work effortless and you can use a wide range of materials for mosaic work and perform mosaic art on a large variety of items. If you do not want to spend your precious time, you can buy a large range of ready made mosaic items for home use such as mike mosaic patio table, mosaic portraits, and mosaic wall arts. If you are in California, you have opportunity to buy mosaic items online. Visit The store is physically located in California, USA. You can also take help of Mike McCormick, a renowned Mosaic artist for any mosaic project. You can contact McCormick at or (562) 505-1779. 

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